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On 4th October 2021
Mercury Square Sun
Influence lasts 1-2 days
You may find it difficult to express yourself and your ideas. Pay extra attention to how you explain yourself, how you describe what you want to do. Flexibility and patience are powerful resources during these days.
Mars Sextile Saturn
Influence lasts 4-6 days
You can create powerful outlets to help you make the most of your physical energy and your ambitions. There are restraints or limits in place during this time but they serve to enhance your abilities rather than block them.
Jupiter Sextile Pluto
Influence can last from 4 weeks to several months. Influence is active as long as this interpretation appears in your daily horoscope
Personal aspirations and ambitions are highly spotlighted right now. Advancements in your chosen career or field of work are quite possible if you have been pursuing them. You’re coming into your own power and are far more aware of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. This is an excellent time for expanding a business idea or plan. Others pay attention to you and respect you.
Saturn Sextile Mars
Saturn transits are long lasting and this influence unfolds over several months. It is in affect as long as it appears in your daily horoscope
You’ll find your ability to organize your physical efforts is enhanced. Getting things done comes easily. You have ideas and the energy needed to bring them into life. Good progress is possible with hard work and self-discipline.
Uranus Sextile Mars
This is a very long lasting transit and can influence your daily horoscope for a long period. It’s influence will come and go and is most represented by moments of change and movement
Surprising catalysts can propel you to make strong change or to achieve goals and objectives in unusual ways. Your ability to manifest your ambitions is powerful right now but it must be done in a unique way and it must be done as consciously as possible. This period can move you physically from one place to the next.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant
This is a very long lasting transit and can influence your daily horoscope for a long period. The growth and change that come along are subtle and evolve slowly
You’re more aware than usual of the spiritual connection you share with others. Empathy, love and compassion fuel all your interactions whether this is just with friends or with partners and lovers. Soul contracts and connections feature as will people from our past and that includes past lives. You may become aware of a pattern and a purpose in all your interactions and the interconnectedness you feel heightens your institution and also your feelings. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that while we are all beautiful, perfect beings of light, right now we are all in human form and all that means. The two main pitfalls you can fall prey to are seeing all too clearly your spiritual connection and all the potential it contains – and putting the other person on a pedestal as a result. Or your deep compassion for someone turns you into a rescuer or an enabler instead of an empowerer. Someone may appear on your path now who acts as a spiritual guide or teacher. They may open up new dimensions of understanding for you. But again, avoid idealising them as they are human too.
Pluto Conjunction Midheaven
Long term influence – subtle but profound transit
Pluto transits last a long time. So, if you are experiencing one the first thing to understand is that progress may be slow or else go in sudden bursts and then nothing for a while. And also that Pluto transits have long term impact. What we do and what we don’t do under them has the ability to determine the rest of our lives – no pressure! You are being given more power on some level now and the opportunity to learn from what you choose to do with it. Usually this takes the form of being given a more powerful role in your career although sometimes it can see us stepping into a more powerful role at home within the family. Chances are however, you have been preparing for this for some time. This may evolve in stages due to the time Pluto takes to move across the sky. As this transit impacts on your midheaven power has the potential to bring freedom with it if used correctly. So, positive change frees you from something that was confining you. Occasionally, it is not you but your partner who is stepping into the more powerful, prestigious role but naturally, this has the effect of transforming your own status. No matter how this transit manifests, you will have a greater sense of your own power whether you work or not by the time it is over. Embrace it step-by-step.
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