In Naoko Takeuchi's Sailor Moon franchise, the titular character had no shortage of iconic attacks at her disposal. From Usagi's iconic Moon Tiara Action to later techniques like Moon Crystal Heart Attack, the Sailor Guardian has gained countless skills and abilities as she's protected the universe from the forces of evil. With all of Sailor Moon's attacks, some are bound to be stronger than others.
Like with many magical girl series, it's natural for the main heroine to have plenty of powerful techniques to deal with monsters and villains. While these techniques aren't much to write home about in the first few arcs, they become increasingly powerful as Sailor Moon grows and evolves into a stronger person.
8 Sailor Moon's Most Iconic Attack is Also the Weakest
Moon Tiara Action/Moon Tiara Boomerang

Moon Tiara Action or Moon Tiara Boomerang is the first attack used by Sailor Moon in the shojo anime series. The technique is a flashy attack where Sailor Moon throws her tiara like a boomerang at her enemies, usually ending in the target being engulfed in a huge explosion. Since it was used so early in Sailor Moon, this attack would later be replaced by more powerful attacks that use the power of the Silver Crystal. Still, Moon Tiara Action and other aspects of the show help establish tropes about the anime that are still beloved to this day.
10 Ways Sailor Moon Influenced Modern Anime
Sailor Moon isn't the first of its kind, but it's such a creative tour de force that it inspired many other anime series to follow.
Despite being replaced, Moon Tiara Action and Boomerang are still very significant to Sailor Moon. They form the basis for every other attack Sailor Moon develops after this point, and are still one of the iconic attacks in all anime. The manga and Crystal only have Sailor Moon use this Moon Tiara Boomerang a handful of times, in contrast to the 90s anime, where it is used to defeat several monsters in the Dark Kingdom arc of the story.
7 Sailor Moon's Moon Stick Boosts Her Abilities
Moon Healing Escalation

The power of the Moon Stick allows Sailor Moon to use Moon Healing Escalation, a powerful attack that turns any people turned into monsters back into their normal selves. This attack is used prominently in the second half of the Dark Kingdom arc. There, Usagi uses Moon Healing Escalation to heal numerous people who were turned into monsters by Queen Beryl. The technique is the first of many that showcases how Sailor Moon's powers wildly evolve as she becomes more in tune with the Silver Crystal's power.
Sailor Moon can also use the attack differently, depending on the version of the story that's told. In her fight against Super Beryl in the 90s anime, she uses Moon Healing Escalation to shield her from Beryl's attacks. The manga has Sailor Moon using this power towards the end of the arc to revive all her allies that Queen Metalia defeated.
6 Super Sailor Moon's Signature Attack puts Evil on Edge
Rainbow Moon Heartache

Super Sailor Moon's new transformation gives her access to the powerful Spiral Heart Moon Rod. The new item allows Sailor Moon to unleash Rainbow Moon Heartache, a beam that fires heart-like projectiles at enemies. The attack is potent, using it to defeat members of the Witches 5 like Tellu and Villuy, who would go on to have memorable moments of their own throughout the arc.
10 Most Powerful Weapons in Sailor Moon, Ranked
Sailor Moon is full of legendary weapons and artifacts from wands powered by the power of the moon and death-summoning scepters.
In the Crystal anime continuity, Sailor Moon uses Rainbow Moon Heartache in fights against the commander of the Death Busters, Kaolinite, and Hotaru's father, Professor Tomoe. The attack isn't seen much outside of the Death Busters arc, but it's still an attack that has proved useful against powerful foes.
5 The Moon Kaleidoscope Gives Sailor Moon a Huge Boost
Moon Gorgeous Meditation

In the Dream arc, Sailor Moon gains the power of the Moon Kaleidoscope from Helios, a high priest from the Silver Millenium. This allows Usagi and Chibi-Usa the ability to use Moon Gorgeous Meditation for the first time, a skill that shoots rainbow-colored energy at enemies to defeat them. The attack itself is dazzling in all the right ways and is a major upgrade in comparison to Moon Healing Escalation and Rainbow Moon Heartache.
Moon Gorgeous Meditation is usually reserved to finish off powerful members of the Dead Moon Circus, whose members were capable of threatening the Moon Kingdom. In Sailor Moon Super S The Movie, the attack is also used to destroy the likes of Queen Badiane, who threatens to engulf the entire universe in a black hole powered by dream energy.
4 Eternal Sailor Moon's First Attack Still Dazzles All
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss

When Usagi gains her new Eternal form in the Dream arc of Sailor Moon, her already formidable powers increase dramatically. Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss is used at the very end of the Dream arc, where Sailor Moon channels the power of all the Sailor Scouts to defeat Queen Nehelannia once and for all. Much like Moon Gorgeous Meditation, this attack can be seen as a more powerful version of that previous technique, just channeling power from all the Sailor Scouts instead of just one person.
In the side story, Secret Hammer Price Hall, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Chibi-Moon both use a dual version of the attack to exorcise a spirit that was possessing Hotaru's body. Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss is used once again in the Cosmos arc against Eternal Sailor Venus, now under the control of Sailor Galaxia.
3 The Power of the Silver Crystal Knows No Limits
Silver Moon Crystal Power

The power of the Silver Crystal is nothing to scoff at. In most arcs of the Sailor Moon anime and manga, the Silver Crystal's power is desired by many evil factions to obtain the power necessary to rule the cosmos. Whenever the group is in a pinch, Sailor Moon always channels the power of the Crystal into herself, using its might to defeat evildoers. The manga and Crystal anime see the Crystal being used to subdue the Dead Moon Circus and Queen Nehelennia towards the end of the arc. In the 90s anime, Sailor Moon channels the Silver Crystal's power to turn Sailor Galaxia to the side of good, with no effect.
The 90s Sailor Moon movies also place a strong emphasis on the Crystal's power, usually as a way to defeat the main villains. In Sailor Moon R: The Movie, Usagi uses the power of the crystal to deal the final blow to Fiore and the Xenian flower controlling him. The crystal is used again to defeat the invading snow princess, Princess Kaguya, in Sailor Moon S: The Movie and again in the Super S movie, where Sailor Moon uses it to restore all the other Sailor Guardians to fighting strength.
2 A Tragic Debut for a Powerful Technique
Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss

The Cosmos' arc of the manga and Crystal anime series pushes the titular hero to her absolute limits. Sailor Galaxia, plotting to take over the universe, mind-controls almost every Sailor Guardian in an attempt to pit Usagi's greatest allies against her. In one of her many acts of desperation in Sailor Moon, Usagi uses her Eternal Tiare to unleash a new attack, one that vaporizes the other Guardians under Galaxia's control in one of the darkest moments from the original manga. Sailor Moon used this attack again in her battle with Sailor Galaxia, albeit with less effectiveness.
While the attack is still used in the Sailor Moon Cosmos movie, it was omitted in the original 90s anime. Rather than use a Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss, the attack was replaced with a Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. This attack shows up again in the Le Mouvement Final musical, which largely adapts the plot of the Cosmos arc. Just like in the manga and the Crystal anime, it's used against the possessed Sailor Guardians and Sailor Galaxia.
1 This Final Attack can be Felt Across the Galaxy
Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power

The final attack that Sailor Moon uses is named Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power. Usagi gathers all the power of the Silver Crystal to directly attack Chaos, an entity of cosmic destruction that has played a role in influencing every major villain in Sailor Moon. To destroy this primordial force, Eternal Sailor Moon channels all her energy into this attack and prevents Chaos from causing any lasting harm to the universe. In the manga, there are several pages dedicated to Chaos becoming wiped away by the technique's piercing light, wiping away everything in the galaxy.
The version from the Sailor Moon Cosmos anime movie is just as dazzling, capturing the scale of the attack beautifully. The musicals also see Sailor Moon use this technique, but with a twist. On top of blasting the villainous Dark Plasman with the full might of the Silver Crystal, she also performs the Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss attack with Sailor Chibi-Moon.

Sailor Moon
A group of schoolgirls discover they are incarnations of super-powered alien princesses, and use their abilities to defend the earth.