Fraction To Decimal Calculator | Convert Fractions To Decimals! (2024)

Mathematical Calculators

Fraction To Decimal Calculator

Use our fraction to decimal calculator to easily convert fractions to decimals and back again!

Fraction To Decimal Calculator | Convert Fractions To Decimals! (1)


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Table of contents

Fraction to Decimal Conversion
Converting Fractions to Decimals by Hand
Frequently Asked Questions:

Fraction to Decimal Conversion

Converting a fraction to a decimal is a common math operation that involves dividing the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number) of the fraction. For example, the fraction 1/2 can be converted to a decimal by dividing 1 by 2, which equals 0.5.

To convert a fraction to a decimal manually, follow these steps:

  • Divide the numerator by the denominator using a calculator or long division.
  • If the division does not result in a whole number, the result will be a repeating decimal. To express the repeating decimal, use a bar above the repeating digits. For example, 1/3 can be expressed as 0.333..., with the 3s repeating indefinitely.
  • To use the Fraction to Decimal Calculator, simply enter the numerator and denominator of the fraction and click "Calculate." The calculator will automatically divide the numerator by the denominator and display the result as a decimal.

    Converting Fractions to Decimals by Hand

    There are two main methods for converting fractions to decimals by hand. The first method involves dividing the numerator (the top number of the fraction) by the denominator (the bottom number of the fraction). The second method involves multiplying the fraction by a power of ten to make the denominator a power of ten, and then dividing the resulting fraction as before.

    Method 1: Direct Division

    To convert a fraction to a decimal using the first method, simply divide the numerator by the denominator. For example, to convert the fraction 3/4 to a decimal, we would divide 3 by 4 to get 0.75.

    Method 2: Multiplying by a Power of Ten

    To convert a fraction to a decimal using the second method, we first need to determine the necessary power of ten to use. This can be done by counting the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the desired answer. For example, if we want to convert the fraction 2/5 to a decimal with two digits to the right of the decimal point, we would need to use a power of ten that is two places higher than the denominator. In this case, we would multiply the fraction by 100 (10^2) to get 200/5. Then, we would divide the numerator by the denominator as before to get the final answer of 40.0.

    Tips for Converting Fractions to Decimals by Hand

  • Make sure to divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal value of the fraction.
  • Use the appropriate power of ten to ensure that the denominator becomes a power of ten.
  • Remember to include the necessary number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the final answer.
  • If the numerator is not divisible by the denominator, the resulting decimal may have repeating digits. Be sure to include these repeating digits in the final answer.
  • Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I convert a mixed number (a whole number and a fraction) to a decimal?To convert a mixed number to a decimal, first convert the fraction part to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then, add the whole number to the decimal. For example, to convert 3 1/2 to a decimal, first convert 1/2 to a decimal (0.5), then add 3 to get 3.5.
  • How do I convert a decimal to a fraction?To convert a decimal to a fraction, place the decimal over a power of 10 (such as 100, 1000, etc.) that will make the decimal a whole number. Then, simplify the fraction if necessary. For example, to convert 0.75 to a fraction, place it over 100 to get 75/100. Simplify the fraction to 3/4.
  • What is a repeating decimal?A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat indefinitely. For example, 1/3 can be expressed as a repeating decimal: 0.333... The digits 3 repeat indefinitely. To express a repeating decimal in fraction form, use a bar above the repeating digits. For example, 0.333... can be expressed as 1/3.
  • Fraction To Decimal Calculator | Convert Fractions To Decimals! (3)

    Article author

    John Cruz

    John is a PhD student with a passion to mathematics and education. In his freetime John likes to go hiking and bicycling.

    Fraction To Decimal Calculator English

    Published: Thu Feb 02 2023

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    Article information

    Author: Golda Nolan II

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    Views: 5381

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

    Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Golda Nolan II

    Birthday: 1998-05-14

    Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

    Phone: +522993866487

    Job: Sales Executive

    Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

    Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.