0. 000. 000. 000. 000.
000. 000. So. Paris Couple Celebrate 55th Wedding Day On Thanksgiving Jack Quinn! -Photo Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Ross South Paris, Nov. A famfly Thanksgiving at the Main Street home- of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Llewellyn Russell served a double purpose when the children of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ross. West Paris, feted the couple in honor of their.
55th wedding anniversary, group of 20 had, enjoyed the dinner the guests honor cut a decorated aniversary cake. Mr. Ross, 80. and his wife, Alice, 79. were married at South Paris Nov.
21, 1895 by the Rev. Thoma's Ramsdell. Ten: children were born to the couple with nine now living. Mr. Ross, a native of Fredericton.
P. E. came to Paris at the age of 18. After farming for a few years he opened a blacksmith Casco News Briefs Casco, Nov. special meeting of Cumberland and Androscoggin Union Pomona will be held at 7.30 p.
m. Wednesday to accept new members and confer the fifth degree at Casco Grange Halle Mrs. Laura Cole, Mrs. Helen Wilkinson and Mrs. Olive Hanco*ck will be in charge of refreshments at the Grange meeting Monday night here.
The Rev. Robert Sibley will conduct the 10 a. m. church services Sunday at Otisfield, and the 2 p. m.
services at the Webbs Mills Baptist Church. -Mrs. Hilda Pope and daughter, Lois. Quaker Ridge, entertained Thursday Mrs. Pearl Merriam, Newton Highlands, and Mrs.
Richard Pope and children, Judith, Henry Dianne, Needham Heights, Mass. Mrs. R. Pope and children remained for the week end. Mrs.
Betsy M. Miller and daughter Sandra, Cambridge, were Thanksgiving, Day guests of Charles, Alpheus, and Miss Ellen Gould, Quaker Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hall and Mr.
and Mrs. Hacker and family, Quaker Ridge, entertained Mrs. Hacker Hall's mother, Mrs. Helen Libby, and her uncle, Jason Libby, Lisbon Center, and Mr. and Vernal Edwards and family of the village for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berry, Quaker Ridge, entertained their son, Wayne, Clinton, over the holiday. Mrs. Gertrude Barrows, Miss Cartha Saunders and Miss Anna Nevens: Otisfield, were Thursday dinner guests of Mrs.
Barrows' sister, Mrs. Grace Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Perley McAllister and son, Urban, accompanied by their other son, Cecil, of Dry Mills, were holiday dinner guests of their and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Strout, and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Holt, and daughter, Ginger May, which made a four -generation group, Skowhegan. Mr.
and. Mrs. Sumner Hanco*ck and son, Douglas, are passing the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Homans, Bangor.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Polland and son Gene were holiday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ray, Poland.
Irving Mains, Naples, was the guest Thursday of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hoyt, Bridgton Road. Miss Barbara Vaughn was the holiday and week-end guest of her mother and relatives at Dixfield. Miss Ethelyn Winslow, Leach Hill, was the geust at a family dinner party Thanksgiving Day of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Glines and son Robert, and other relatives. Norway. Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Fickett, Pleasant Lake House, and their daughter, Miss Hope Fickett, Portland, who is passing thes week at her home, were holiday guests of their son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvard Webster, and daughters Eileen and Carol Ann, 'Auburn. Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Winslow, Crescent Lake, are entertaining their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Carter, Bronxville, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsters, Westbrook, were holiday guests of their son-in-law. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Townsend, and daughter Velma, Crescent Lake. Fred Pierce, Portland, was the Wednesday night guest of his son, Wyman Pierce, and family, Cooks Mills, and the dinner guest Thursday of his daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, and family, Crescent Lake. Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Lord and daughter Betty, Braintree, are the guests of his brother, Albert Lord, and his brother-in-'H. 3 PL shop at West Paris where he carried on a flourishing business for more than a quarter of a century. For the past ten years has been the sexton at the Wayside Cemetery at West Mrs. Ross after receiving education in the schools of her native Portland became a schoolteacher, For ten years she taught school in the little red schoolhouse at Sumner. party Those included: attending Mr.
and the Mrs. family Hadley and Leon Lillian Ross, Ronald Ross, Wayne Ross, West Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Al Ross, and son, Jackie, Bristol, Mrs. Perley F.
Ripley, Miss Lydia Ross, Mrs. Jessie R. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Weston and son, Lawrence, and Lee Russell, South Paris.
law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dew and sons. William White, Portland, was the guest Thursday of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs.
Beverly White, Cooks Mills. Her nephew, Rodney Pratt, Bristol. was also their guest. Melvin Stevens, Bridgton, is passing the school recess with his mother, Mrs. Lincoln Watkins, Bridgton Road.
Cumberland Center Cumberland Center, Nov. Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hanson, entertained on the holiday her brothers.
and Frederick W. sister-in-law, Brack, and Mr. son. Frederick, Mansfield, Mrs. Henry W.
Hanson, and Miss, Lillian P. Hanson. Mrs. Edith M. Russell, Bangor, was a holiday guest of her sonin-law daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne W. Ball. Mrs. Ellen E.
Larson was a holiday guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Bither, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson entertained at Thanksgiving dinner, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Ellsworth Jones. Mrs. Esther Sumpter son Jack passed the holiday with her sister, Mrs. James Devine, Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwin Leighton had as guests Thanksgiving Day their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Nelson, and John Nelson of South Portland, and their son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. John Leighton, and Deborah and Joyce. At the Thanksgiving dinner served by: Mr. and Mrs.
Howard W. Call, guests were Mrs. Blanche Call, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wiles and children, Jimmie and Mary Lou, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Parker and daughter Ann, Biddeford. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor S.
Merrill entertained a Thanksgiving family dinner, party including Mr. and Raymon W. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Irving B.
Grant and son Ronald, James Girou, Lewistort: Mr. and Mrs. Benson Grant and son James; Mrs. Vivian Ross and Miss Alice. Ross, Auburn; Mr.
and Mrs. Raymon W. Grant, Augusta; C. E. MerriM, Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne H. Merrill and daughters, Christine and Lynda, Mrs. Gertrude 8. Bragg and Harriet S.
Merrill. Mrs. Gertrude Twitchell, Hiram, will arrive Saturday to pass -the Winter with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin C.
Whitney. Bion Jones, Tuttle Road, was the holiday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Grover, Freeport. Mr.
and- Mrs. A. Harris Corey and family, Allan, Anita, Nancy, Maryella and Marian, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Corey at Ipswich, Mass.
Sgt. Calvin Whitney, with the U. S. Air Force stationed at Stewart Field, N. is passing a few days with his wife and son at the home of his father, Orrin C.
Whitney, and Mrs. Whitney. Other guests. on the holiday were Miss Virginia Whitney, Valhalla, N. and Mrs.
Myron Hanson, Durham, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin A.
Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lavalette were dinner guests Thursday of Mrs. A. L.
Henry, West Falmouth. The Ladies' Circle of the Congregational Church will meet at 2.30 p. m. Tuesday with Mrs. Henry Wallace Hanson.
The dime cards, given out the first of the year, should be returned by Dec. 15 to one of the directors, Mrs. Rollin Scott, Mrs. Luther I. Bonney and Mrs.
Sidney R. Mr. and Mrs. William Rolfe, Flushing, N. were holiday guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs: William Rolfe, jr. Portland Press Herald, Saturday Morning, November 25, 1950. Man Gets Bird; Judge Levies Fine (Special Dispatch) Brunswick, Nov. J. Yancowskie of North Harpswell admitted to, Judge Leon L.
Spinney in Brunswick MuniciCourt that he had taken 12-pound turkey from a local super market, but claimed that it was given him as gift by a store employe. Judge Spinney found Yan-. cowski guilty of petty. larceny and fined him $25 and costs. Yancowski appealed to the January term Superior Court, furnishing $500 ball.
The lengthy hearing brought out admissions from Yancowski that over period of several months. he had frequently received "gifts" of fruits, vegetables and meat. from a store clerk in return for work done for the clerk. Judge Spinney, in imposing sentence, said that the fine would have been much heavier had the store officials seen fit to prosecute the clerk in question. Store heads said that loss of his job appeared sufficient punishment for the clerk.
Farmingdale Youth Is Shot Accidentally Farmingdale, Nov. 24. (AP)Herbert Barry, 13, of Farmingdale, was wounded in the arm and chest in a hunting accident here this afternoon. Sheriff Harry W. Pinkham said Barry was walking in the woods with Dennis Lavoy, 13, also of Farmingdale, who was carrying More State Of Maine News On Page 4 .22 caliber rifle.
Lavoy stumbled and the gun discharged. The bullet pierced Barry's right upper arm and entered his chest, Pinkham said. Barry was taken to Gardiner General Hospital where attendants said he 'as in "fairly good" condition. He is the son of Mrs. Wilhelmina Barry, Bowman Street.
Revolver, Knife Taken In Berry Mills Break (Special Dispatch) Carthage, Nov. 24. A German revolver, belt and hunting knife included in loot taken from the store of George Mason at Berry Mills during the night. Also missing was the change from the cash drawer. Sheriff Earl R.
Hawkens of Farmington, who investigated. said the place was entered through a rear window. Steep Falls Steep Falls, Nov. 24. Eugene Wakefield, South Portland, is emthe Maine Central Railroad station.
Mrs. S. S. Hoar and Charles Walton, Oakland, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs: James Ridion.
Philip Burnell, USN, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Midis W. Beverly Merville C. Burnell. Gunter, Fryeburg Academy, is the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Gunter, and her sister, Miss Janet Gunter. Erma Ames, Portland, was the holiday guest of her father, Carroll E. Ames, at the home of Mrs. W.
A. Fuller. Miss Rodzen, Melrose, has passed the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rodzen.
Joseph LaChance, Portland, passed the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LaChance, and his sister, Miss Lorraine LaChance. Fred M.
Pendexter, New York, is the guest his mother, Mrs. Linwood Pendexter, Mrs. Robert Heath, Cornish, Thanksgiving guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Harland Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Chick and his mother, Mrs.
Cora Brackett, passed Thanksgiving with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burkitt and daughter, Norma Jean, South Portland. Thanksgiving guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred LaChance and children, Joseph and Lorraine, were Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis, Bangor, and Mr. Mrs.
Albert Connors and family, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Chick and sons, Ralph and Harold, were holiday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Maxim, South Limington. Mr. and Mrs. George Portland, were holiday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy M. Sanborn. Crescept Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will meet Monday evening. Mrs. Lottinia Moody Luce Farmington, Nov.
Lottinia Moody Luce, 80, widow of Attorney Edmund R. Luce, died suddenly today in her sleep at her home on Court Street. She had been ill only a few days. Born at New Vineyard, July 7. 1870, she was the daughter of Columbus W.
and Ellen Peva Moody. She was educated in the schools of New Vineyard, where she also served as postmaster for many years. She came here in 1900 and resided for seven years, later living in Massachusetts, and at Auburn. She returned to Farmington in 1923. Mrs.
Luce was a member of Merrill Rebekah Lodge for 48 years and attended the Henderson Memorial Baptist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Mildred McIntire; brother, Converse B. Moody, Farmington; a sister, Mrs. Sadie Sims, Freeport, two nieces and several cousins.
Private funeral services will be held Sunday at her home, 4 Court Street. Thanksgiving Surprise Party Honors Couple Wed 45 Years Mr. and Mrs. Farmington, Nov. 24.
In honor of their 45th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Campbell were tendered a surprise party at a family dinner Thursday at the home of their son daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Campbell at Chesterville. The couple were presented several gifts and an anniversary cake was made by other daughter-in-law, Mrs. Hugh Campbell. Guests included the four children of the host and hostess, Marie, Patricia, Frances and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell and children, Janet, Helen Lou, Pamela and Hugh, and Diane of Farmington, Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and children, Betty, Mary and Kathleen of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Campbell, Lake Placid, New York, Joseph Fish and Barbara Farmington.
Maguire Photo Eugene E. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, the former Miss Elizabeth Janet McPhaul of Saranac, N. were married at Redford, N.
Nov. 27, 1905. Following their wedding, they came directly to Farmington where they purchased the farmstand, now 'owned by Leon. Lovejoy. They later moved back to Long Island.
N. where he was employed with the American Express Company. Missing the Maine farm life, the couple again returned to this area where they. engaged in farming for 30 years at Chesterville. A few ago they retired from farming, moved to Farmington Falls and then.
purchased their present home on Perkins Street, Farmington. The Campbells have four sons and 12. grandchildren. They are members of St. Joseph's Church and Mrs.
Campbell is a member of the Ladies' 'Altar Guild. Farmington News Notes 100F To Conduct School Monday Farmington, Nov. school of instruction for all branches of Odd-Fellowship will be held Mon'day evening in IOOF Hall. The school. will be conducted by the grand secretary of the Sovereign Grand Lodge.
Charles S. Preble, retired teachers' college instructor, will be guest speaker at the Monday Club meeting next week in the Philathea room at the Henderson Memorial Baptist Church. Preble will speak on the subject, The Climate And Weather Of Franklin County. Mris. W.
Raymond Davis and Mrs. Herbert Foster will be the hostesses. Mr. Mrs. G.
Flint Taylor and family, Boston, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Magomen's Alliance will meet Tuesday afternoon in the North Church vestry. Mr. and Mrs. Reino Ray and children, Ronald and Randall, are visiting their parents, and Mrs. Walter Ray and Mr.
and Mrs. Riley Durrell. Thomas A. Roderick, manager of the local theater, has extended a special invitation to members of the Farmington volunteer fire Rookie company to Firemen, attend the this movie, week playing end. Miss Peggy Titcomb has joined her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold A. Titcomb, for a' week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A.
Titcomb and family at Pleasantville, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Penley and children, Phyllis and Paul, have been guests of her mother, Mrs.
E. A. Odell, and son, Dr. Richard D. Pierce, Boston; will conduct the service Sunday morning at the Baptist meetinghouse at Temple.
Pauline Keith, student at the University of Maine, is passing the week end with her parents, Mr. and Joseph Keith. Frank P. Dingley, teacher Augusta, is passing the holiday recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Roland S. Dingley. Holiday, guests Miss of Grace John Gilkey, Gilkey were Dr. and Mrs. Harold Pratt, Livermore Falls, Dr.
and Mrs. George L. Pratt, Farmington, and Mrs. F. H.
Badger, Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Childs and daughter, Kristine, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Childs, Mount Vernon. Stanley Ellsworth, student at the University of Maine, is passthe week end his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard A. Morrill and family, Augusta, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrill and family, Livermore ME.a Falls, are week -end guests of and Mrs. Hiram I.
Morrill. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Piper, Benton, are guests of their son -inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Rounds. Miss Ruby A. Blaine is visiting relatives at West Barnet, Vt. Mrs. Anne S.
Mason is passing a few days at her home at Rumford. A food sale sponsored by the Merrill Rebekah Lodge will be held Tuesday morning at the showroom of Barker's garage. The committee will be Mrs. Cora Lovell, chairman, Mrs. Elsie Hoyt, Mrs.
Myrtle White and Mrs. Lois Hoyt. The Eastern Star Club will meet Tuesday evening with Mrs. Ethel Hawkens. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Stevens, students at Boston University, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson and other relatives. Dan T.
Adams is confined to his home by illness. Miss Arlyn Whitney, Portland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Whitney.
Clarence Benson, teacher at Cheshire, passed the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Benson, and left today with Robert Perkins, Castine, for Boston, where they will attend Harvard-Yale game. Miss Joans Webber, student at Wheaton College, is passing the holiday recess with her parents, Fred Rollins, teacher at Auburn, Earle S. Thompson Succeeds Late Harvey Gibson On Bowdoin Boards Brunswick, Nov.
27. Announcement is made from Bowdoin College, of the election of Earle S. Thompson of New York City as chairman of the Finance Committee, the 'of College, the succeeding Governing the late Harvey D. Gibson, former president of the Manufacturers Trust Company, New York City. Thompson is a member of the Board of Trustees of Bowdoin College, from which he graduated in the class of He has long been identified with the College in many of its activities.
The College reports that Thompson has been elected to replace Mr. Gibson as chairman of the Sesquicentennial Fund Committee of that institution. The Committee for the past three years has been concerned with efforts to secure new capital funds Bowdoin to the amount of 00 Thompson, a native. of Bath, has long been associated with various enterprises in New York City and in other states. He is president of the West Penn Electric Comanp at 50 Broad Street.
and former president of the American Water Works and Electric Company at 50 Broad Street, Company at 50 Broad Street, Denied Lodging, They Find Way Brothers Ask, Get Week In Hoosegow (Special' Dispatch) Bath, Nov. 24. Two Bath brothers who allegedly broke windows Thanksgiving Eve around new regulation barring overnight "lodgers" from the cell block at City Hall, found it relatively eASy today to get into Kennebec County Jail, Augusta, for week. Pleading guilty to. malicious mischief, Edward Morang, 35, and Donald 31, unemployed, asked Recorder' John W.
Quarrington for a sentence of one week. Meanwhile, they said, they expect government checks to help tide them along when they get out. Expressing the opinion that they should not have been turned away when they requested lodging at City Hall, Quarrington complied with their desires and sentenced each to seven days in jail. Denied lodging at 5.30 p. m.
booked at 6.15 for glass Wednesday, the brothers, were in a vacant diner. Bradley King, Lewiston, and Bernard L. Plummer, Bath, pleaded guilty to driving overloaded trucks on Route 196, were each fined $10 and ordered to pay $4.70 costs. They were arraigned on complaint of State Trooper Ray Orcutt, Bath. Woman 83 Prepares Dinner For 16 Steep Falls, Nov.
John L. Moore, who was 83 years old Wednesday, celebrated her birthday, with a family dinner party on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Moore, who prepared the entire dinner, except for stuffing the chickens, received many gifts and cards. Present besides her husband, were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred P. Cash, Miss Elizabeth Cash, Mr. and Mrs. John Cash and son, David, Portland: Mr.
and Mrs. J. Kenneth Moore, Miss. Paula Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Keith Moore, Mr. and Mrs. H. Royce Moore and son, Craig, South Portland.
is passing the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rollins. Mrs. Annette Kershner and daughter, Betty, visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Holt, Canaan, Mrs. J. C. Metcalf is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Carroll Mitchell, Augusta. Marioned. Mrs. H.
MacConnell, Norton Newton, Webber. student at Brown University, is visiting friends here. Representatives of the Veterguest RoderickAdministration, will be the Crosby Post meeting Tuesday evening at the American Legion Portland, Maine Farmington Couple Honored On 40th Wedding Anniversary Maguire Photo Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
McCleery Farmington, Nov. and Mrs. Robert E. McCleery were enI tertained Thursday in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary at a family dinner at their home on the Wilton road and a surprise party in evening at the North Church vestry. More than 40 relatives and friends attended the party.
Guests at the dinner were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Robert L. McCleery and ington, Mrs. Ober Kimchildren, Susan, and Alton.
Farmard. Waterville, Mrs. Mae ball and sons. Arthur and Richand Miss Ruth Moore, Farmington, The evening fete, arranged by their son and daughter-in-law assisted by Mrs. Irene Luce and Walter.
Mosher, included accordion selections by Miss Elizabeth Mosher, several vocal duets by Clyde and Frederick Ross, accompanied at the piano by their father, Sayward Ross, and movies of the recent Alaskan trip taken and shown by Mr. and Mrs. George Several gifts were presented the McCleery's and a decorated anniversary cake was served with other refreshments bit their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edith McCleery and assistants. Mr.
and Mrs. McCleery, the former Miss Adella Luce, were married Nov. 23, 1910 at the Titcomb Hill farm home of Mr. and Mrs. George Luce and Frank Luce by the Rev.
Maurice Dunbar. The couple traveled to Waterville that year with the sister, Mrs. Eva Ward They were honored at a reception at Drummond Hall, Dec. 6, 1910. For the first eight years of their married life, they resided at the Tom Davis house and then purchased their home on the Wilton road where they now reside.
The couple have engaged in farming for many years. Both are active members of the Farmington Grange. He holds record for the office of Master, A post he held for eight years. He is also past master of Excelsior Pomona Grange and a member of the slate and national grange. Mrs.
McCleery has been a Farmington grange member for nearly. 50 years and also a member of Excelsior Pomona, state and national grange. Mrs. McCleery is a member of the farm bureau, the Red Schoolhouse Circle, West Farmington Literary Club, Village Improvement Society, and Helen W. Davis Philathea Class of the Henderson Memorial Baptist Church.
The couple have one son, Robert who is associated in farming with his father and with his family also reside at the 'Wilton road home. Rockland, Nov. 24. -Allan F. McAlary, Rockland Water Company superintendent reported to police that boards from the top of a dam at Mirror Lake had been removed allowing loss of a large volume of water that had been gained in recent rains.
The lake Home. where they spent Thanksgiving is Rockland's main water supply. food catering by VALLE'S from 25 to 5000 PERSONS! VALLE'S food catering service is now equipped with the finest, most modern catering equipment in all of New Eng land. Toastmaster units designed especially for VALLE sures top quality food served as deliciously as it is in VALLE'S famous STEAK HOUSE. Portland's Leading Caterer With eighteen years experience VALLE is well prepared to handle all forms of gatherings.
Industrial groups, clubs and church organizations are now being served in the famed VALLE manner. Institutional catering is also one of VALLE'S many services. CALL VALLE'S NOW for that special CHRISTMAS or 5 NEW YEAR'S PARTY For the finest food served by a thoughtful and well trained staff call 3-9297 15-74 VALLE'S Catering Service 660 Forest Ave. Portland "Have You Heard What's Going To Happen New Year's the City Bank Farmers Trust Company, a trustee of Dry Dock Savings Bank, and a director of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, N. Y.
Serving with Thompson on the Fund Committee Bowdoin are, William D. Ireland, president of the Second National Bank of Boston; Charles les A. Cary, vice prestdent of E. duPont de Nemours de mead Co, White, Wilmington, investment broker Ashof Bangor, and Harold C. L.
Ashey, retired business executive of Worcester, Mass. Always Enjoy Good Meal At ROMA CAFE Rooms for Private Parties Private Parking in the Rear Open Daily Except Sunday.