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Not eligible for Referral Credit on a Q3 because I own a Q2?
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10-25-202301:05 PM - edited 10-25-202301:07 PM
A friend of mine let me try their Quest 3, and convinced me to upgrade. I own a Quest 2 but have never used a referral credit. Am I SOL for the credit on a Q3?
Should add: we tried to accept the referral but got the message:
"There was an issue accepting this referral. You may not be eligible because the country or region is not supported, you referred yourself, or you already accepted this referral."
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10-25-202303:18 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. I guess maybe the referal code is just for the meta quest 2. but i'm not sure. i convinced all of my friends to get a meta quest 2 each but i didn't know at the time that they could get a discount and i could earn money. So i skiped out on 30usd x 5 friends. So i missed out on 150 usd.😓 I got to be honest here. I kinda didn't care about losing out big time. I didn't care before i knew about it and i after i knew. I just forgot about it and acted like it never existed at all. Worked for me at least.👍
Pluss my friends would have called me a sellout for the rest of my life if i had earned money off of them. So i guess it wasn't too bad.
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10-25-202303:20 PM
I mean.. They also would have gotten $30 each instead of nothing.
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10-25-202309:51 PM
oh sure. but it's too easy to be frustraited about losing out on 150 usd to i just chose to forget about the entire thing.
Like, i made my friends get a meta quest 2 becose it's the thing that got me into vr. And vr has become kind of the only thing i play now adays. So i wasn't mad that my friends got to play and experiance the same joys as me.
That's why i wasn't angry about it. It's due to how the only thing i wanted out of making them buy it is being able to play vr with them at all. pavlov is pretty fun with a little squad i got to say
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10-25-202311:34 PM
The referral program's terms say: "Your friend must be a new Meta Quest user". So I assume that means existing Quest 2 owners can't get a discount on the Quest 3.
Author: Oculus Monitor,Auto Oculus Touch,Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
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10-26-202307:02 AM
Then why does my Meta Quest 2 and 3 still tell me to get my friends to buy one so that I can get $30?
Isn't that a bit misleading?
If it knows that I own a headset, and that I've had it for years, and that I have two of these devices, why should it spam me with notifications all the time to make my friends get a Meta Quest 2 so that I can get $30, when I can't even get anything from it?
Bro that's not legal, that'sfalse advertising if you ask me
Heroic Explorer
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10-26-202308:01 AM
The thing you should really be upset about is that the rest of us are paying $60 too much. It is the loyal fans that are paying for the referral program. Everytime you buy something wihout of referral, a bit of that cost comes from the price delta meta applied to cover the referral system.
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10-26-202308:06 AM - edited 10-26-202308:07 AM
Well, since there's no Meta employees saying this isn't intended behavior, I'm inclined to agree.
I've seen recommended that you simply create a new account, refer that new account, activate for the first time with the new account, get the credits on both accounts, then just gift games from the new account to the old (main) account, Then you just logout of the new account and keep using your main account. But since this is such anobvious method... I was really hoping a Meta employee would just say "oh, email us and we'll sort it out".
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10-26-202308:08 AM
You have a headset so you can refer your friends. Your friends can't already have Quests if you are referring them.
Author: Oculus Monitor,Auto Oculus Touch,Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2
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10-26-202308:09 AM
I don't think you quite understand the issue. If it weremyself referring anew user, I would still get the $30 referral credit. However myfriend is trying to referme to buy a new Quest 3. Since I'm not anew user, it seems as though even though I'm buying a newheadset I'm not eligible for referral, since I've already activated a Q2 (years ago).
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